Hello Beautiful Soul

It fills my heart with great joy and love to have you here.

Thank you for having the courage, curiosity, and inner wisdom to want to elevate and reconnect to your authentic self.

As your guide, I will show you endless possibilities in your mind, body, and soul. I will guide you back to your heart, where you will heal and find your divine spark.

As your guiding light, I have faced similar experiences, and from firsthand, I can share with you the power of what happens when you heal from the inside out.

I invite you to experience the journey back home, where you will face self-exploration to the highest level of self-connection, stripping away that which no longer serves you in the direction you want to go in your life.

It’s not about having what you want before you are happy, but wanting and desiring what you already have and feeling satisfied as you walk toward what you would like to create next.

As an Energy Healer, I will guide you back to your divine self, which is connected to a golden light of your energy force that connects you to our creator. The journey will help you understand the hidden secrets of its true power.

Join me on this journey back home to your true, authentic self that resides in your heart!

With Love,
Janine Williams

A woman with short hair is smiling for the camera.

90 Day Transformation Program

Our 90-day Transformational Coaching Program is an amazing opportunity for you to create real change in your life. Letting go of what no longer serves you can be difficult, but with this program, you'll have the support and guidance you need to make it happen. By working on eliminating disempowering thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you'll be able to achieve the life you've always wanted. With our high level of accountability and personalized approach, you'll be able to make empowered decisions and take bold actions towards achieving your goals. And with private one-on-one coaching time, you'll be able to accelerate your results and transform yourself into the best version of yourself.

Inner Child Healing Program (6- Month Program)

Spark your Inner Creativity and raise your inner vibration. Have you ever considered that your life might be influenced by your unhealed "Inner Child"? It's fascinating to think about how the wounds of our "Little Me" can still affect us as adults. The coping mechanisms that we developed as children may not necessarily be helpful to us anymore, and it's crucial to learn new techniques as adults. By joining this six-month program, we can begin to explore how we still parent ourselves and start to develop a healthier relationship with our inner child. During our weekly sessions, we will delve into clearing old wounds, doing parts work, and uplifting that inner child. The goal is to feel less triggered, more peaceful, and more aligned with our authentic selves. Let's spark our inner creativity and raise our inner vibration together!

To whom it may concern.

I have known Janine Williams for a couple of years. She is a very caring person. Janine gave me the opportunity to be coached by her as a student.

I can tell you with my experience it felt more professional than with a student. She is very knowledgeable and absolutely loves what she does.

Janine expected me to show up completely. I felt maybe this might work out for me. Well, it has, my habits have changed. I can show up.

I also learned to get out of my own way. I have learned to be mindful In everything I do. I believe Janine has gone through this with me with her whole heart.

Please keep in mind she started on this journey with kindness and open heart. She cares about people and wants nothing, but for them to feel better.

Ways to make you change your life is knowing what you are doing. How to show up for yourself. I also have more confidence.

All I can say is I will continue with Janine because my journey continues.....


Janine is so caring, intuitive, passionate, and knowledgeable. Love working with her.


Working with Janine was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. During our initial consultation, I felt a connection with her almost immediately, and I knew that working with Janine would help me take the first step in truly understanding what self-care and self-love means. She coaches from a place of compassion and acceptance for where you are on your journey. She helped me to see that all answers are within me and guided me to a place where I could begin to listen to my inner voice. Her no-judgement and no-nonsense approach propelled me forward, and she provided me with tools that I still use today. I would recommend her to anybody looking for guidance toward a deeper understanding of yourself.
Thank you for being awesome!!!


Forever Me has been the best investment that I could do for myself. I have gained so much confidence in myself and learned to find joy in everyday. I feel like I am a happier person and my family has noticed as well! Janine is very knowledgeable, and she has done a wonderful job guiding me to my goals and providing me with the tools to get there!


Dear You, yes you, the one considering Janine Williams as your 90 day coach,

Stop thinking about it; call Janine today!

My 90 day journey began from a place of hopeless despair. I never missed an appointment with Janine. It was my experience that this single consistency united with Janine’s empathy and her belief in a vision of my success fostered my own increased strength with each passing week.

Janine can be characterized as an outstanding coach by an almost innumerable quantity of knowledge and skills. However, the number one reason I recommend Janine is because she has the capacity and desire to allow you as her client to start from wherever you may find yourself today. She digs right along side you to discover your individual goals. When the occasion arises that you need to borrow her passion for a moment, a day or even from one week to the next Janine’s deep hunger to help you obtain your truest self is beyond energizing.



DWorking with Janine has been an amazing experience.

I began this journey to gain self-confidence, let go of negative emotions and

love myself more. With Janine’s wisdom, guidance and gift of coaching she has

enabled me to discover my true self. I have learned to deflect the negative and embrace the positive in all aspects of my life. She helped me release old beliefs that were hindering my self-confidence. I always felt safe as she gently made me dig deeper to discover my truth. I feel like a new woman, and I couldn’t have done it without her


I began working with Janine in mid-March for three months. I was stuck in my personal life over knowing my self-worth and, in my inability, to move through the loss of my marriage. I was married ten years. Through my work with Janine, she was able to open up my ability to feel more in my body. She taught me ways to unlock the trapped negative emotions and how to properly release them, which I have been doing to this day. I am finding out more and more who I really am on the inside and healing from my traumas. She is very kind and accepting, patient. I would work with her again.



Janine Williams always displayed professionalism, dedication, commitment, love and patience throughout the entire journey. She was always prompt and prepared for every appointment and always respected where you were in your journey and never hesitated in giving you that extra nudge if you needed it. Janine has a very caring and compassionate nature and truly wants the very best for her clients and it is evident by how much she contributes to the process.

This is an investment in You. By investing in you, you are saying that you are worth it, and you are completely worth it! It is a commitment to yourself and requires an investment of your time and your money and for me was totally worth both. You need to understand going into this that you will get out of this only what you are willing to put into it. You need to fully trust in the process even if the methods are a little different than you were expecting. The more you are willing to surrender to the process, the easier the process will be for you.

Everyone begins their journey from their own unique place so the timeframe that works for one may not work for another. Only you can know what would work best for you. I knew that anything less than a 6-month commitment would have been futile for me. You are attempting to heal from a lifetime of trauma and broken belief systems, and I needed to ensure that if I was going to do it that it would be long enough to stick.

This journey will cause you to realize that you were never a victim of your circumstances and that you have always been a creator. It’s so empowering when you realize that everything is happening for you and not to you and that you have complete control of it all. It takes time to fully realize and accept this as it’s a different way of thinking for most of us. I was skeptical in the beginning but through the process I am now fully convinced of it. I know now without a doubt that I am a Co-Creator with God and Janine Williams was instrumental in getting me to this place. This is by far the biggest and best investment I ever made in myself.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May you be blessed beyond measure.


By that time I was just a newly single mother who’s trying to thrive in a new environment with my little one. She (my younger self) was holding lots of resentment and anxiety in the beginning stage as a single mom.

Janine (a beautiful soul) has helped me to heal from my heart wounds. Janine helped me to open up with my childhood traumas by using your unique guided meditation to reconnect with my inner child as well as my wiser self. Janine made me feel important and hear my voice with your compassion. I will never forget your kindness.

Appreciate your support and encouragement for me to become a life coach to help others single mothers as well. You give me hope and inspiration not to let go of my dreams.

Thank you from bottom of my heart, my dear soul sister.


I have had the pleasure of working with several different people in my October tribe but I have consistently worked with Janine. She has been on a personal development journey for quite some time and as a result she brings not only her own personal life experiences to her coaching but also a variety of tools she has used that have supported her healing and growth that she can also share with her clients. Janine has such a calling on her life to help others speak their truth and live the life they were created to live.

